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Heaven Here: It's Closer Than You Think (Paperback)
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R525.00"…GOD IS NOT FAR FROM EACH OF US!" - Apostle Paul (Acts 17:27)Pastor Josh Adkins was born into a renown Christian evangelist family. Yet throughout his life, he often found himself feeling burned out, disappointed, and distant from God—until a personal...R525.00 -
Heaven Rules: Take Courage Take Comfort Our God Is In Control (Hardcover)
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R460.00Heaven Rules is the two-word answer for every two-word worry. The promise we need for every wave of trouble, every assault on our peace of mind. Heaven’s rule is God’s rule: His rule over nations and nature. His rule over renegade viruses, cancer, and...R460.00 -
Rejoice Into Joy: Experiencing The Fullness Of Heaven's Joy (Paperback)
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R320.00“Rejoice in the Lord always.”It’s a simple command that holds the key to experiencing deep and abiding joy through every circumstance.Pastor Bill and Beni teach that joy is not merely an emotion. It is a posture of the heart, arrived at by consistently...R320.00 -
Hoe om te navigeer deur die Eindtyd / Hersiende Uitgawe
Raymond Lombard
R300.00Dr. Raymond se topverkoper is nou nog beter as tevore. Met meer as 40 nuwe bladsye met opgedateerde verwysings en uitgebreide insigte maak dit ’n ongelooflike boek om alles te leer oor hoe om deur die eindtyd te navigeer. Meer as 360 vraag-en-antwoorde...R300.00 -
How to Navigate through the End Times
Raymond Lombard
R300.00Yes, we have translated the Afrikaans book from the updated and expanded version to bring this incredible book to our English friends. We truly believe this is a must-read for every Christian to help us to understand and see with clarity where God has us...R300.00 -
Bible Afr 1983 - Medium Black H/C
Locally Sourced
R369.00Afrikaans is die huistaal van bykans 7 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners. Die eerste Afrikaanse Bybel is in 1933 gepubliseer met ‘n hersiening in 1953. Hierdie vertaling is deur ‘n tweede een gevolg wat in 1983 verskyn het. In 2007 het ‘n spesiale vertaling vir...R369.00 -
Child Klassieke Kinderbybel - Full Colour H/C
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R345.00Die verhale van die Bybel kry nuwe lewe in hierdie pragtige Klassieke Kinderbybel. Getrou aan die klassieke tradisie word die verhale in ‘n eg Bybelse styl vertel. Elke illustrasie is ‘n kunswerk wat aan die leser groot vreugde sal verskaf. Hierdie...R345.00 -
Child Classical Children's Bible - Full Colour H/C
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R345.00The stories of the Bible are brought to life in this beautiful Classical Children’s Bible story book. In the classical tradition the stories are told in a true to the Bible style. The beautiful and dramatic illustrations depict 40 of the most loved Bible...R345.00 -
Van Vrees na Vertroue By Ewald Van Rensburg
Locally Sourced
R279.00Het jy geweet die teenoorgestelde van geloof is nie twyfel nie, maar vrees? As jy angstig en bang vir die toekoms voel, sal die verhale in hierdie dagboek jou bemoedig om Jesus volkome te vertrou en daagliks sy teenwoordigheid op te soek.Die eerste ses...R279.00 -
Tired of Trying: How to Hold On to God
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R280.00What if that hard thing you’re going through is not happening to you but for you?You’ve tried it all—saying the right words and prayers, reading the right Bible verses—but nothing seems to work. What do you do when your faith doesn’t seem to be “working”...R280.00 -
Living for Eternity: 366 Large-Print Devotions
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R279.00Does the thought of dying terrify you? Do you know where you are going after you die? These are questions that haunt every person at some time or another.If you are scared and unsure about life after death, then Living for Eternity: 366 Large-Print...R279.00 -
Op Pad Met God: 366 Grootdruk-Dagstukke
Locally Sourced
R279.00Wil jy jou beste lewe leef, maar jy weet nie regtig hoe om dit reg te kry nie? Stap saam met topverkoper-outeur Angus Buchan en ontdek dat jy net in God ’n waarlik buitengewone lewe kan hê.In Op pad met God: 366 Grootdruk-dagstukke: Kies 'n lewe wat God...R279.00 -
Leef Vry: 366 Oordenkings (Hardeband)
Locally Sourced
R279.00Hou vrees vir die verlede, hede en toekoms jou gevange met spyt, stres en onsekerheid?Die 366 dagstukke in Leef Vry: 366 Oordenkings Oor Ware Vryheid - Deur Totale Oorgawe Aan God sal jou lei tot ’n dieper verstaan van die lewe wat joune is deur Jesus se...R279.00 -
Kaalvoet Sielsgedagtes: 366 Dagstukke vir Vroue
Locally Sourced
R279.00Wens jy soms dat jy alles wat in jou hart is onbevange kan deel met Iemand wat jou volkome verstaan? Die goeie nuus is: Daar is so Iemand! En Hy het jou liewer as wat jy ooit kan besef.Topverkoper-outeur Milanie Vosloo nooi vroue met Kaalvoet...R279.00 -
Leef vir die Ewigheid: 366 Grootdruk-Dagstukke
Locally Sourced
R279.00Is jy bang om dood te gaan? Weet jy waarheen jy gaan wanneer jy sterf? Vrae oor die dood spook die een of ander tyd by elke mens.Met Leef vir die ewigheid: 366 Grootdruk-dagstukke gee Angus Buchan vir elke gelowige gemoedsrus wanneer hy verduidelik wat...R279.00 -
Near Death Experiences: 101 Short Stories (Paperback)
Locally Sourced
R525.00In Near Death Experiences: 101 Short Stories That Will Help You Understand Heaven, Hell And The Afterlife, Randy Kay and Shaun Tabatt have collected fascinating stories of near-death experiences and afterlife encounters from ordinary people who have...R525.00 -
The Hope of Heaven: How the Promise of Eternity Changes Everything PB
Locally Sourced
R280.00The Hope of Heaven: How the Promise of Eternity Changes Everything helps us have a better understanding of heaven--What will it be like? Will I get in? --and points to the hope that's waiting for us, showing that it will impact every single day we have...R280.00 -
Veilig in Sy Hand: 365 Dagstukkies / Hardeband
Locally Sourced
R279.00Sien God Se Teenwoordigheid Elke Dag In Ons Lewe RaakOns staan vandag voor geweldige probleme en uitdagings – ekonomies, polities, moreel, noem maar op. ’n Mens wil-wil moed verloor.Tog is daar geen rede tot wanhoop nie. Want, sê Isak Burger, God self...R279.00 -
Daily Hope Devotional: 365 Days of Purpose, Peace & Promise
Locally Sourced
R349.00Ever feel like you're just floating along, not really anchored to anything? Are you searching for purpose and peace in your life? Do you feel like something is missing? It's time to anchor yourself to something solid, something unchanging—but not to just...R349.00 -
The Book of Mysteries / Paperback
Locally Sourced
R449.00Enter a life-changing journey to uncover the Mysteries of God, Secrets of the Ages, and the Hidden Keys to open the doors of a life of joy, blessing, and the fulfilment of Your Destiny. As you open up The Book of Mysteries, you will be transported on a...R449.00 -
Being Still with God: A 366 Daily Devotional (Hardcover)
Locally Sourced
R279.00Being Still with God is a 366-Daily devotional showing us how God wants us to live our daily lives in tune with His plan for us. The well-renowned Blackaby father and son author team, Henry and Richard, reveals God's plan for our lives in short, easy to...R279.00 -
The Forge: A Novelization (Paperback)
Locally Sourced
R299.00The Forge will appeal to fans of the Kendricks' films: Lifemark, Overcomer, War Room, Courageous, Fireproof, Facing the Giants, and Flywheel.As Cynthia Wright’s marriage implodes, she is forced to raise her teenage son, Isaiah, alone. The pressure of...R299.00 -
Heaven Awaits: Anticipate your Future Hope, Eternal Home, / PB
Locally Sourced
R279.00This world is full of crises, conflicts, difficulties, and troubles, but this world will not last. No matter your age, your earthly life is slowly slipping away. This is why Jesus encourages us not to store treasures on this earth. In other words, invest...R279.00 -
Aftershock: Christians Entering A New Era of Global Crisis (PB)
Locally Sourced
R395.00Living in this era of pandemics, economic chaos, natural disasters, and political strife, you may feel tempted to question whether God is in control. Yet when you look to the Bible, you’ll find these events actually signal that His promises will soon be...R395.00 -
Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences / PB
Locally Sourced
R469.00Never in history, until now, we have been able to hear from so many people around the world who have been brought back from clinical death. Modern medical resuscitation and digital communication have revealed a goldmine of intriguing near-death...R469.00 -
90 Minutes In Heaven, 10th Anniversary Edition (Paperback)
Locally Sourced
R445.00In the ten years since 90 Minutes in Heaven was published, millions of people worldwide have read the incredible true story of Don Piper's experience with death and life--and in reading they have found their own lives changed.After a semi-truck...R445.00 -
The Case For Heaven: Evidence For Life After Death (Paperback)
Locally Sourced
R285.00We all want to know what awaits us on the other side of death, but is there any reliable evidence that there is life after death? Investigative author Lee Strobel offers a lively and compelling study into one of the most provocative topics of our day...R285.00 -
Platter's South African Wine Guide 2024
Locally Sourced
R421.00This 44th edition of the authoritative South African wine guide features Five Star wines out of over 8,000 wines reviewed. Platter's features descriptions of over 900 producers across the vibrant wine regions of South Africa and also offers the 100-point...R421.00 -
Memory Foam Bidmatjie / 50x80cm / Matteus 6:6
Locally Sourced
R435.00"As jy bid, gaan dan na 'n stil plek toe waar niemand jou kan sien nie. Trek die deur agter jou toe en praat daar eenkant opreg met jou Hemelse Vader. Hy sal sorg dat jy jou hemelse beloning kry." Matteus 6:6 A soft memory foam prayer mat. 50x80cmR435.00 -
Memory foam Prayer mat / 50x80cm / Matthew 6:6
Locally Sourced
R435.00"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you" Matthew 6:6 A soft memory foam prayer mat. 50x80cmR435.00 -
Op Vlerke van Hoop / Susann Moolman
Locally Sourced
R395.00'n Groot verlies en die verwerking daarvan is 'n groot uitdaging. Dit is menslik om gou-gou beter te wil voel, maar sonder om die hartseer te konfronteer is daar nie 'n "beter"nie. Hierdie unieke boek deur Susann Moolman hanteer die vrrae wat tydens 'n...R395.00 -
World Of The End ITPE
Locally Sourced
R360.00In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, we need hope more than ever. What if the life sustaining hope you need is found within the pages of the Bible? Join New York Times bestselling author and trusted Bible teacher, Dr. David Jeremiah's as...R360.00 -
Prophecy Answer Book HC
Locally Sourced
R460.00For anyone curious about prophecy and the signs of the end times, this book links the pieces of the prophecy puzzle in plain, simple language. There are 1,000 prophecies in the Bible so it's natural to wonder, have any prophecies been fulfilled? Do they...R460.00